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Marcus Brigstocke: Vitruvian Mango

Marcus Brigstocke: Vitruvian Mango

Categories   Comedy

Friday 07 March 2025

Venue:  Theatre Royal     map
Address:   Jewry Street, Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 8SB
Telephone:  Box office: 01962 840440

Marcus Brigstocke: Vitruvian Mango

Start time: 7.30pm

What are men for? Most heavy things can be lifted by machines and most problems can be solved by computers and most puddles can be crossed without us gallantly draping our capes over them - so are we fellas of any use at all? Award winning MAN Marcus Brigstocke thinks we might still serve some useful function. But what is it? This new tour show will resolve the entire issue once and for all (in a non-patriarchal, open minded, progressive sort of way). DaVinci's Vitruvian Man is the image of the ideal male form. Marcus' Vitruvian Mango is the same, but sweeter, softer, seasonally available and, when ripe, delicately perfumed.

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